Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Prevention is better than cure

“Prevention is better than cure”. Researching and treating diseases is too costly so it would be better to invest in preventative measures. To what extent do you agree.

Treat for illnesses and find treatments by doing researches are  too costly. Because of that finding a way to prevent diseases is the best solution. I totally agree with the above phrase "prevention is better than cure". Because researches and treatments are time consuming and also too costly. Definitely there are some side effects will occur because of the treatments and medications.

Even with the modern technological advancements, find treatments for diseases are time consuming and requires huge amount of funds. For an instance, scientists still doing researches for cancers and  many governments and organizations allocate huge budgets for these researches  to buy equipment and built laboratories. But scientist identified the cause to some cancers is unhealthy life styles. Spend healthy life style is the prevention and we do not need that much money to prevent from a cancer. 

On the other hand even if we got the cure, patients have to face side effects of that medications. For an example those who are taking medicine for diabetes will get their kidney damage and after few years they have to find treatments for kidney failures. But we can prevent diabetes by avoiding sugary foods and exercises. 

In conclusion, find treatment for diseases like cancer is costly and time consuming. There are some bad side effects cause by medications such diabetes pills. Therefore, I am totally agree with that invest in preventive measures are convener than treating for a illnesses. So Prevention is better than cure.  

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