Saturday, August 18, 2018

My solar project and strange things

I was planned to build a small solar project few weeks ago. Purpose is to charge my mobile devices and power up night lamp in the bed room at night. All the major parts were purchased through eBay. Few weeks passed when they arrive.

Finally after two days effort solar panel placed near the bed room window. Battery pack was placed on top of the cupboard near the window. Solar panel began to work without any issues. 

Few days passed and suddenly I noticed that a squirrel started to come to bed room with dry leaves and building a nest behind the cupboard. After Several attempts of cleaning that mess finally squirrel gave up.

Afterward another strange behaviour  observed from our dog. It began to howl continuously. We changed his foods, bathed, gave medicine. But howling didn't stop. 
Finally I gave up and  stayed without listening to its howl. But I noticed that it tried to say something to us.

Few days ago  I realized bitter truth. In the solar panels module there was a step down transformer. This gadget produce very low frequency noise or hum. We can't hear that but dogs can. I was switched off solar panel and suddenly our dog became very calm and stopped howling. below image is that regulator. 

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