Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Career achievements

Part of the society believes that achievements are most significant segment of their occupation. Others think achievements are not that much important. However my opinion is achievements in person’s career cause to enhance quality of life that person and his or her family.

Some people think that achievement cause nothing to their work life. Because workers like public sector gain nothing much for their career milestones. For an example comparatively public sector employee promotion vs private sector employee promotion vary different. Public sector employee get less salary increment compare to private sector employee. Result of that public sector employees are think those achievements have nothing to do with their life.

In other hand some of workers think money is not important that much. Because career achievements give them good status and recognition inside the society.  For an instance some promotions in public sector doesn’t provide that much high salary increment but they gain allowances, vehicles, drivers, freedom and some other benefits. In addition to that, private sector career achievements cause to high salary increment. Both of these scenarios give them satisfaction in their career and enhance quality of life. As a result of that those people think achievements are much more important than other things.

In conclusion some people unsatisfied by career achievements because they pay less compare to achievements. On the other hand career achievement cause to give better social status and freedom and recognition. Therefore I totally agree with that achievements are an important part of a person’s career and they are much more important than others.

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