Saturday, December 14, 2019

Advent of computers and important parts of education (IELTS Essay)

Question - For centuries, important parts of education have remained such as reading, writing and maths. With the advent of computers, some people think that computer skill be made as a fourth skill to be added to the list.
To what extent do you agree?

Answer - 
For hundred of years writing, reading and mathematical skills are identified as major parts of education system.  With arrival of computers, Some people tend to believe that computer proficiency should be added as a major educational skill.  I am totally agree with that computer skills act major part of our current education system. Because, information technology is a one of the main subject in school syllabus and  nowadays writing reading and mathematical skills have to depend  on the computer literacy.

In this century computer and information technology become a main stream subject in schools and university colleges. For an instance Information technology is a Advance level examination subject stream same as biology mathematics and arts. Because educational system needs to make sure students are ready to face future job industry when they pass out the college education. Otherwise student can not survive in the outside when they exposed to the job competition those demand for information and technology skill workers.

Moreover, computer become a base platform for major skills like reading writing and mathematics plus other skills like music and arts. For example examinations like  IELTS also hold as a computer based tests. Computer literacy can be use to improve writing,  reading listening speed and accuracy using different softwares like Microsoft word, power-point ,dictionaries and internet sources.
Because of that people believe that computer literacy is a one of major skill.

In conclusion , Computer literacy play major role in schools as a main subject and job market demands computer skills.  On the other hand computers become a platform for reading writing and other skills. Therefore I am totally agree that the some people think that computer skill be made as a fourth skill to be added to the list of reading writing and mathematics.

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