Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Prevention is better than cure

“Prevention is better than cure”. Researching and treating diseases is too costly so it would be better to invest in preventative measures. To what extent do you agree.

Treat for illnesses and find treatments by doing researches are  too costly. Because of that finding a way to prevent diseases is the best solution. I totally agree with the above phrase "prevention is better than cure". Because researches and treatments are time consuming and also too costly. Definitely there are some side effects will occur because of the treatments and medications.

Even with the modern technological advancements, find treatments for diseases are time consuming and requires huge amount of funds. For an instance, scientists still doing researches for cancers and  many governments and organizations allocate huge budgets for these researches  to buy equipment and built laboratories. But scientist identified the cause to some cancers is unhealthy life styles. Spend healthy life style is the prevention and we do not need that much money to prevent from a cancer. 

On the other hand even if we got the cure, patients have to face side effects of that medications. For an example those who are taking medicine for diabetes will get their kidney damage and after few years they have to find treatments for kidney failures. But we can prevent diabetes by avoiding sugary foods and exercises. 

In conclusion, find treatment for diseases like cancer is costly and time consuming. There are some bad side effects cause by medications such diabetes pills. Therefore, I am totally agree with that invest in preventive measures are convener than treating for a illnesses. So Prevention is better than cure.  

Competition between kids

Parts of the society think that competition between kids is good. Because it motivate children to do their work better.  On the other hand other part think that kids should learn to work with others. Because they should learn to co-operate with others when they become elders.

Motivation is a high factor of the younger’s educational progress. For an example they might get boring without motivation to do their school works. And also  compete with each other get good result for their educational activities. Because of that part of the society think competition is a good thing.

Competition break the harmony between us and it is the human nature . For an example competition will cause to fight between kids and its not a good sign for long term social interaction to them. Harmony is also very good to their adult life to co-operate with others. And too much competition cause to depression. It’s not a good sign that suffer from depression in the young age.  This is why part of the society think that competition is not ideal for kids.

Competition cause to motivation and get high outcome from children’s education. On the other hand no competition cause to build harmony and it will build peace when they go to the society as adults and cause to mental illnesses. I am of the opinion of that there are certain situations that kids should compete with each other as well as in some other situations they should co-operate with each other.

Most appropriate transportation methods in 21st century

Some people believe that walking, cycling, and trains are best options for transportation in 21st century. Because they are cheap and healthy for them.  Although others believe that they are not appropriate because of uncomfortable and take more time. However I totally agree that foot, bicycle and train are convenient way to travel in this century.  

People think, for their busy life travel options like walking, cycling or trains are not good options. They believe those are cause to late their work. Sometimes walking to long distance is impossible. And they need to ride as quick as possible for their works. And they don’t like to be tired and sweaty.  Walking and cycling are tired things to do and even we have to walk some distance for catch the train. Because of that some people think those are not good options. 

On the other hand there are benefits of transport options like foot, bicycle and train. Those are very cheap option to ride. Those will cause to reduce our transportation cost and save money.  And also these days’ people don’t have time to exercise. Some are go to gym. But if we daily travel by these options no need to do exercise. These options cause to burn our extra calories. That is why some believe walk, cycling, trains are good.   

In conclusion foot, bicycle, and train are slow and uncomfortable. On the other hand they are wallet friendly and healthy. My Opinion is these options are cause to save our money and keep doctors away.   Hence, I totally agree with that foot, bicycle and train are the most appropriate in the 21st century.  

Career achievements

Part of the society believes that achievements are most significant segment of their occupation. Others think achievements are not that much important. However my opinion is achievements in person’s career cause to enhance quality of life that person and his or her family.

Some people think that achievement cause nothing to their work life. Because workers like public sector gain nothing much for their career milestones. For an example comparatively public sector employee promotion vs private sector employee promotion vary different. Public sector employee get less salary increment compare to private sector employee. Result of that public sector employees are think those achievements have nothing to do with their life.

In other hand some of workers think money is not important that much. Because career achievements give them good status and recognition inside the society.  For an instance some promotions in public sector doesn’t provide that much high salary increment but they gain allowances, vehicles, drivers, freedom and some other benefits. In addition to that, private sector career achievements cause to high salary increment. Both of these scenarios give them satisfaction in their career and enhance quality of life. As a result of that those people think achievements are much more important than other things.

In conclusion some people unsatisfied by career achievements because they pay less compare to achievements. On the other hand career achievement cause to give better social status and freedom and recognition. Therefore I totally agree with that achievements are an important part of a person’s career and they are much more important than others.

TV Programs and children

Part of the society is believing that TV programmes are not worthy for kids. Because of adult contents , violence and addiction.  However I partially agree with them because some educational and entertainment  programmes are also there which good for kids.

Nowadays most of the TV shows contains bad contents and highly addictive. For instance Game of throne and prison brake kind of TV programmes telecast violence and adult contents. Younger generation like to imitates and experiment what they here and see through these TV programmes.
Moreover addiction to TV Programmes cause to spend long time in front of the TV. Because of that kids miss their education and physical activities and face to certain mental and physical health issues.

However there are some educational and entertainment programmes appropriate for kids. Educational channels like Discovery and national geographic help kids to explore new things, learn about the nature and explore the world that they cannot reach by their own. And also entertainment programmes like who wants to be a millionaire helps to enhance kid’s general knowledge, IQ and language proficiency. There are some educational programmes also there which help to school works for kids.

In conclusion TV programmes have both pros and cons. Channels like Discovery and national geographics bring education and entertainment contents and adult programmes like prison break and game of throne cause to imitation, addiction and health issues for younger generation. Therefore I partially agreed that some people believe television programmes are of no real value for children.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Visiting places where condition are difficult

In these days places those have bad weather conditions like Sahara and Antarctica attracted by travelers. There are advantages such as new discoveries. On the other hand there is a risk to their lives when they visiting to these kind of places.

In our earth there are many places we did not discover yet. By traveling these places we can learn new things. For an example , in the past years we have discovered many rare plants that can be used as herbals for disease. Because of that , we could say exploring these places is beneficial to humans.

There are disadvantages visiting these kind of places. Deseret s like Sahara are  dangerous places to go  and someone can die easily if they go without proper preparations like enough food and water. For an example , many deaths were reported in past years in Antarctica by freezing. 

In conclusion , exploring deserts like Sahara is risk to the life and on the other hand there are advantages like new discoveries. Therefore one should carefully analyse these benefits and disadvantages before visiting places like these kind of  conditions. As travelers, they should study and prepare for difficult situation before visiting to these places

Photo credits - 
unsplash-logoVaida Tamošauskaitė

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Advent of computers and important parts of education (IELTS Essay)

Question - For centuries, important parts of education have remained such as reading, writing and maths. With the advent of computers, some people think that computer skill be made as a fourth skill to be added to the list.
To what extent do you agree?

Answer - 
For hundred of years writing, reading and mathematical skills are identified as major parts of education system.  With arrival of computers, Some people tend to believe that computer proficiency should be added as a major educational skill.  I am totally agree with that computer skills act major part of our current education system. Because, information technology is a one of the main subject in school syllabus and  nowadays writing reading and mathematical skills have to depend  on the computer literacy.

In this century computer and information technology become a main stream subject in schools and university colleges. For an instance Information technology is a Advance level examination subject stream same as biology mathematics and arts. Because educational system needs to make sure students are ready to face future job industry when they pass out the college education. Otherwise student can not survive in the outside when they exposed to the job competition those demand for information and technology skill workers.

Moreover, computer become a base platform for major skills like reading writing and mathematics plus other skills like music and arts. For example examinations like  IELTS also hold as a computer based tests. Computer literacy can be use to improve writing,  reading listening speed and accuracy using different softwares like Microsoft word, power-point ,dictionaries and internet sources.
Because of that people believe that computer literacy is a one of major skill.

In conclusion , Computer literacy play major role in schools as a main subject and job market demands computer skills.  On the other hand computers become a platform for reading writing and other skills. Therefore I am totally agree that the some people think that computer skill be made as a fourth skill to be added to the list of reading writing and mathematics.