Sunday, August 11, 2019

Finding solutions for traffic jams

We face huge traffic jam problems every day. Those who use alternative ways to ride like cycling and walking methods also become unsafe. Because some drivers try to go on walking path or bicycle lanes to avoid traffic. Moreover government try to increase width of the road as a solution for traffic. Most of land owners sacrifice part of their lands for street constructions. Are not there any other solutions? purpose of this essay to further analyze the above reasons and give solutions.

Traffic jam is a major issue for both developed and developing countries. Day by day new vehicles joining to worse this matter. Everyone try to go their ride even by bypassing the main road. As result of that Drivers try to go on pedestrian track and bicycle lanes. Its not safe for both pedestrians and drivers. For an example pedestrian accidents has been increasing in past decades in Sri Lanka. As a solution for that we could use public transport methods. If 100 car drivers use public transport, then their will be around 100 vehicles cut down from the traffic. But transport following passengers need only three or four buses only.

Additionally most of the government find a solution as adding new lanes to roads or built highways. As a result of that most of land owners have to sacrifice their lands. This projects are very expensive and time consuming. But still we have facing traffic jams even in highways. For an example in Sri Lanka, to cross 2 km in highway road takes half hour because of highway traffic in morning. As a solution for this we could build tunnel roads or tunnel trains. It will save both lands and our time. 

Huge traffic increase accidents and our typical solutions are much and more expensive.We have to find more sustainable solutions such as develop public transportation methods and built underground railways or highways. By following solutions like above we could over come traffic problems and we could make citizens happy.

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