Sunday, September 8, 2019

Nowadays, more and more foreign students are going to English-Speaking countries to learn the “international language – English". It is undoubtedly true that studying English in an English-speaking country is the best way, but it is not the only way to learn it. 

In these days lots of students tend to go western countries those are use English as a primary language for learn English. Studying in English medium is the best way to improve English but there are more other options too. I totally agree with this phrase. because Learning in English medium is available in other countries also. To learn English nowadays, students have lots of opportunities via internet. 

English is an international language and everyone should learn English up to some level. Most countries offer high school and degree program in English medium. For an example in Sri Lanka 75 % of university courses are available as English medium. And there are private institutes who offer foreign degree programs that can be done without going to foreign countries. These programs are less expensive and more convenient. 

Furthermore, Internet available to each and every corner in the world. Most People use the internet as a learning platform. There are several web sites, YouTube channels and e learning platforms that deliver English courses via internet. Most of them are free and there are some courses we should pay for study. For an example web site offers a wide range of education programs by reputed universities via online. students can do studies at home without attending physically to the university. This will improve their English language skills as well as build up their educational qualifications. 

In conclusion, student who seek improve English language have many opportunities within their countries too. Foreign degree programs and internet can be use as a medium to improve English skills. Therefore I totally agree with that It is undoubtedly true that studying English in an English-speaking country is the best way, but it is not the only way to learn it.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Best options for transportation in 21st century

Some people believe that foot, bicycle, and train are best options for transportation in 21st century. Beacause they are cheap and healthy. although others believe that they arenot appropriate because of uncomfortable and take more time. However totally agree that foot, bicycle and train are convenient way to travel in this centaury.  

People think for their busy life travel options like walking, cycling or trains are not good options. 
They believe those are cause to late their work. Some times Walking to long distance is impossible. And they need to ride as quick as possible to their works. And they dont like to be tired and sweaty.  
Walking , cycling are tired things to do and even we have to walk  for catch the train. Because of that some people think those are not good options. 

On the other hand there are benefits of transport options like foot, bicycle and train. Those are very cheap option to ride. Those will cause to reduce our transportation cost and save money. And also these days people dont have time to exercise. Some are go to gym. But if we daily travel by thease options no need to do exsersiceThese options cause to burn our extra calaries. 
Thats why some believe walk, cycle, train are good.   

In conclusion foot, bicycle, and train are delay to travel and comfortable on the other hand they are wallet friendly and healthy. My Opinion is these option cause to save our money and keep doctors away.   Hence I totally agree with that foot, bicycle and train are the most appropriate in the 21st century.  

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Cloning human is ethical?

As people live longer and longer, the idea of cloning human beings in order to provide spare parts is becoming a reality. The idea horrifies most people, yet it is no longer mere science fiction

Idea of human cloning for get body parts is no more a dream because advancement of nowadays modern technology. Some people do fear to those procedures. I am also totally disagree with such procedures. Because these kind procedures of cloning for getting body parts is a crime. Moreover people should be aware of protect their own body parts by keeping them healthy and stay in healthy life style.

Moreover, We could see Medical science is becoming advance with new technologies. Cloning is one of the dream of science fiction that became a true thing. But cloning is doing to get body part to sick people is not agreeable. Because if doing that the clone should have do die. Clone is also a human being. So killing a human is not a crime? Yes it is.

On the other hand why do we need to replace body part? If someone does not care about his own body his or her body parts will damage. For an example high consumption of sugar cause to diabetes because parts of that body control sugar become inactive. We could replace those body parts by cloning our own body. But why we do not live healthy life style without attending to unethical and mean cloning procedures?

In conclusion human cloning is unethical , and it is a crime. On the other hand people can adjust their life style to healthy and no need to kill a clone to get a body parts. Therefore I totally disagree with that procedures , and the idea of cloning human beings in order to provide spare parts.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Why people attend colleges or universities?

Nowadays higher education institutes popular and people tend to attend those institutes for achieve many different goals. Part of the society seek education for personal growth like gain experiences and knowledge and other part of the society go to this institutes for career preparation and social status. 

Some People tend to go education institutes for seeking new knowledge and experiences. They like to learn new things and expand their knowledge. For an example, some elder students attend to those kind of higher education institutes even after they retired. Because learning new things increase thier wisdom. And also they need to contribute society with new inovations. As a result of this nowadays we could see most innovative explorations coming to the outside world with the business plans. 

Most of the people attend to higher education institutes for career opportunities and social status. In these days finding good jobs are very hard because of the competition. Because of that younger generation need to prepare their future job interviews with best qualification for highlight within a group of candidates.  for an instance, people seeking highly payable jobs like software development and business analysist requires master's degrees to face thier interviews. Because most of the younger candidates have university degrees now.  

In conclusion, my opinion is People attend colleges or universities for many different reasons. some people seek new knowledge and wisdom for thier own personal growth and contribute society by new innovations. other people try to prepare for future job opportunities by increasing thier educational status by attending to higher educational institutes 

How Technology affect to future job opportunities

Computer powered Machines become more and more advanced day by day. Since machines are more efficient than human, peoples use those things to replace human workers. Due to this reason those who work in industries like banking, security, manufacturing are facing to lose their jobs. struggle in job market cause to increase poverty in some countries. Moreover reduction of physical labor activities create unhealthy workforce and lower life expectation in the country. Purpose of this essay is to further analyze the above reasons 

Nowadays most of countries struggle with job competition.  people lose their jobs because of replacement of computer controlled machines instead of human workers.  For an example few decade ago car companies production done by human hand but today 99% of car companies production carried by robotic machines. Because its less expensive and more efficient. Most of the banks replace ATM machines instead of banking assistants. This kind of actions will cause to increase job competition to other low salary jobs. And also low salary jobs will cause to reduce life conditions of citizens in the country. Job less workforce is not a good sign for developed and developing countries 

Moreover, replacement of machine tend people to do jobs that need low physical labor. This will build unhealthy work force in future. For an example, Due to lack of physical activities most of service sector workers in developed countries suffer from obesity. Unhealthy life style cause to short term life expectancy.  As a country this is also not a good sign that unhealthy workforce.  

In conclusion, replacing computers instead of workers increase job competition and poverty. On the other hand lack of physical activities cause to unhealthy workforce. Banking, security, and manufacturing jobs are struggle due to replacement of machines in near future. Replacing those machine to do works only that human cannot do will overcome this issue.  

more time people use the Internet, the less time they spend with real human beings.

Nowadays people do not have a time to spend with other people because excess amount of internet usage and addiction to it. Part of the society believe that people should be concerned about real social interaction instead of virtual communication methods. I totally agree with this sentence because of addiction to the internet, people forgot thier real life and their families. Moreover, internet cause to build emotion less human generation.  

Because of we are living in the technologically advance era, communication through internet become more easier than past. Because of that virtual communication, people losing their communication skills in real life.  for an example addiction to the communication methods like WhatsApp and skype are major issue for our younger generation. They have no time to talk with their other family members.  

Moreover, internet communication methods have no real emotions. Because of that most of the young people don't know how to express their feeling in real life without a computer or a mobile phone. For an instance in japan marriages between young people become low and divorce percentage become high. 

Inconclusion, internet become a huge issue to human generation. Facbook and whatsapp like chat network cause directly to communication skills and interaction with family members. On the other hand, internet cause to emotionless younger generation.  Considering above factors, I totally agree with that the more time people use the Internet, the less time they spend with real human beings.