Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Run any windows computer smoothly - 03 (Slow Processor)

Processor or CPU is stands for central processing unit. Processor is the heart of your PC. All the calculations, logic and controls done by this unit.   It is not the big box standing next to your desktop monitor. It is a small chip that is attached to the motherboard. No matter your desktop computer has huge RAM memory or big Hard drive, if your Processor is slow , then all other things are useless. So always choose highest speed and multiple core processor. Other wise you can not do what you wish to do.

Power of Processor is measuring by clock speed. in nowadays unit of measure for clock speed is Gigahertz. choosing a right Processor depends on your work.  For an example, if you use desktop or laptop for day today activity like internet surfing and work with documents then core i3 processor is more than enough. But if you are a programmer or a game player then you need minimum Core i5 or core i7 processor. Other wise you will experience slowness. you have to wait years until your code compile or until game load.

Keep in mind if you planning to upgrade your pc with higher version of Processor , then it should be compatible with your motherboard and bus speed. and also you have to keep Processor unit cooler as you can for use without damaging to it. Because higher Processing power always cause to heat up your Processor chip. So everything come up with a price. You can do a hack call over clocking for your existing processor but its not healthy way and again you have to do effort for cool down extra heat.

read more if you want to find about Processor -

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Run any windows computer smoothly - 02 (Insufficient RAM)

In this post Im going to describe how Random Access Memory or RAM affect to your computer speed.

When you start a program, your processor gives a command to retrieve the program from the hard drive. Once the files are retrieved, the system needs a work space to manipulate the data and allow you to interact with it. This digital counter top is your RAM. Your system places your programs in RAM, or the digital counter top, temporarily while you're working with them so that the processor can access that information faster and more easily.

The more gigabytes (GB) your memory module has, the more programs you can have open at once.
  • 2-4 GB. This was the standard RAM capacity and shipped with systems running Windows Vista or XP. This amount of memory could handle single applications. If your system has less than 4GB of RAM, adding more RAM would greatly improve its performance.
  • 4-6 GB. This standard RAM capacity will handle an average user's tasks, such as web browsing, working in Word documents, and emailing, with ease.
  • 6-8 GB. This larger RAM capacity works great for casual gamers and basic multimedia users. It can handle multiple programs open at one time and new technology so that users don't have to upgrade when their needs change.
  • 8+ GB. This robust RAM capacity is perfect for hardcore gamers and high-end multimedia users and creators. These users want to try the newest technology on the market without upgrading their RAM.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Run any windows computer smoothly - 01

This is the initial post of this series. In here Im going to talk about how to make your PC or a Laptop work smoothly. Because of the complexity of this title I have to break this into several posts.

Have you ever experienced lag in your computer?feel slowness when you are working? take long time to startup? stuck and restart? yes we all experience those kind of issues. There are several reasons cause to this unavoidable issues that you can not solve.

This letter we are going to list down 
Possible causes for these kind of issues. 
And then by the next post onward let's discuss each of them with solutions.

Hardware failures
1. Insufficient RAM
2. Slow CPU
3. Slow Hard Disk
4. Incompatible VGA

Software faliures
1. Software bugs
2. Multiple Virus gurads are running
3. heavy Background services and processes

OS failures
1. Out dated operating systems
2. Scheduled tasks
3. Temp files and caches
4. Bugs in OS

User's issues
1. Lack of computer literacy
2. Maintenance